.. kundalini rising..
Embodiment portraits...
..capturing the essence and authenticity of your inner self through visual storytelling…
The Story of My Heart
It is eternity now. I am in the midst of it. It is about me in the sunshine; I am in it as the butterfly in the light-laden air. Nothing has to come; it is now. Now is eternity; now is the immortal life.
Richard Jefferies
Join me from the end of March on the heath at Blackheath, London for my magic hour portrait sessions…
The girl with..
.. the flowering face
The girl in the pesto green dress
Standing between the light and the canvas,
The low morning sun casting shadow
And the wintery smell of burnt leaves
You and flower portrait sessions
Thank you flowers...
Some of the things flowers have given me:
Companionship, Delight, Career, Comfort, Play, Friendship, Inspiration, Infatuation, Quietness, Patience, Miracles
Diana Verde Nieto photographed at Scarfes Bar
The bliss...
…of being
I got saved by the beauty of the world — Mary Oliver
Caroline Coon
Caroline Coon, the London born artist, has worked in the vanguard of cultural movements that have caused storms of social change: the hippie 'peace and love' underground, the punk rock movement and feminism
The prayer is in the feeling
bespoke portrait sessions for the dreamers
The feminine
“…. I want to say one other thing about the feminine because the feminine always comes in threes: mythologically there are the three graces, the three Norns, the three wyrd sisters. We have talked about Mother and Virgin. The third is the Crone, she is the woman who has gone through her crossroads. The crossroads represents a place where consciousness is crossed by the unconscious in other words, a place where you have to surrender your ego will to a higher will. The Crone has gone though one crossroads after another. She has reached a place of surrender where her ego demands are no longer relevant…
… She would perceive it, see through to the heart of it, and cut where necessary, but cut with love. I always envision her wielding a golden sword with a silver handle. All the perceptivity of gold, but handled with the love of silver. The masculine and feminine together. She has the kind of wisdom that takes life with a grain of salt, smiles at the divine comedy.” Marion Woodman
Giles Deacon
Giles Deacon is a London based couture designer and illustrator mixing fashion, fine art, theatre and grand scale glamour, known for his expertly crafted pieces using bespoke designed fabrics, prints and intricate embellishments
Photographed at Scarfe’s Bar for Country & Townhouse Magazine
Emotional weather...
… everything changes, yet everything holds…
Reflections on being...
“There is more going on than we can see or understand, and we need to find a way to lean into the mystery of things.” Nick Cave
You and flower - Fayann with roses in one of my botanical portait sessions
I dream of you within in the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day… join me this summer for my botanical portrait sessions. Flowers by Cicely
My botanical portrait sessions are nationwide - this was at Atelier8 in Stow on the Wold
Ashley Jensen
enchanted with the curse of eternal sleep
“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself” — Carl Sagan
Sailing into the mystic
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic — Van Morrison
My Floral Belles
“My flowers don’t know how far my thoughts wander away sometimes.” Emily Dickinson